Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday + Goats + Chickens = Fun times!

7:40 came early this morning, but we made the bus and Drew got on with no issues.....Hunter was very sad to see brother go.

H and I got ready to head to our new friend Louisa's farm.  She was hosting playgroup today...H was very excited to see the goats.

They were very excited to see him!

Louisa has chickens too.  H got to see them, and collect some eggs.  He LOVED it.

I think we need to get some goats and chickens.

Louisa also had some grapes that were all ready for us to pick.  H went to town picking those grapes.  He had a great time sharing with me!

After playgroup, H and I headed over to the Ivy arms to meet James for lunch.  He had been studying all morning and was heading off to write his test after he had lunch with us.

Once we finished lunch, H and I headed over to "The pick of the crop".  It's a toy store on Main street.  I knew they sold playmobil, so I wanted to price it out (Drew's new obsession).  I found out that they have the crane that I want to get Drew, but it is more expensive there than anywhere else.  The woman did tell me that they will price match anyone else.  Good to know.

As we were leaving, she gave Hunter a new train for the Thomas set for free.  It was SO nice of her.  Hunter was THRILLED.

Nap time followed and then it was time to meet Drew from the bus.  The bus came super early today and I almost missed it.  The driver didn't think Drew was on, I wasn't standing where I usually stand, and he didn't stop.

Thankfully, either Drew spoke up or his bus buddy did, and he realized his mistake and stopped.  I have no idea what I would have done had he kept going.

We spent the rest of the evening/afternoon at Nana and Papa's, where Drew reminded me what he is like when he doesn't listen.  Man, he can be a handful sometimes!  He was exhausted from school though, so I'm pretty sure that's what sparked the behaviour.

All in all, a great day!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy birthday to ME!!!

Saturday night, we headed to Nana and Papa's as promised.  It was a beautiful evening, so we took a ladder and the gator out to the back to do some apple picking.  It was wonderful.

there was a wild grapevine growing beside/inside this tree....boys loved it.

 Sunday morning, the boys got up with James and made me breakfast for my birthday!  It was great to be able to sleep in and the apple turnovers they made were really yummy!

Once we were all up and ready, I took the boys up to my parents for the morning.  James had to study for a test he had to write for work.

Once at Nana and Papa's, we walked to the park, and then took a picnic back to the back for lunch.

After lunch, the boys played in the creek for a little while.  Hunter essentially swam in the creek.

I brought the boys home so Hunter could have a nap.  Drew decided he wanted to make a book, so that was our project while Hunter slept.

We woke Hunter at 3, James quit studying and then we headed to the movie theatre to see....

It was great fun.  The boys were dancing in the aisles and we ate way too much junk food.

After the movie, we met my parents at East Side Mario's for dinner.

All in all, it was a great birthday.  Wonderful time spent with family, who could ask for more?

Here's to a great year!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Snakes, Lizards and Turtles Oh My!!

Friday was a rainy, cold, crappy day outside.  When it rains, I get a giant headache.  I also had my monthly friend (which has lasted for 2 weeks, but that's a whole other story).  I was a real peach on Friday.  Thankfully, Drew was at school, James was at work so it was just Hunter who had to deal with me.  He's returning the favour today.

Once Drew got on the bus, H and I got ready and headed over to "Cirque du Play" in Milton.  I had never been there before, and was pleasantly surprised by what we found.  It's an indoor gym for kids, with a bouncy castle, sports equipment, a small ball pit and various other fun things for kids to do.  We were there for a breakfast event put on by Momstown, sponsored by Kellogg's.  Hunter had a great time and getting out of the house made me feel a lot better.

Kellogg's provided us with lots of different cereals to try.  Hunter sampled the Mini-wheats.  He'd never had them before and really seemed to enjoy them!
 The afternoon was spent at home.  Hunter napped, I cleaned and napped a little myself and then we met Drew at the bus.  The first thing Drew says to me when he gets off the bus is, "Mommy, did you know that Terry Fox died because he ran too far?"  Hmmmm....kinda missed the point of that one.  It was Terry Fox day at school.  They had to run around the school, each donate a "toonie for Terry" and they obviously talked about his fundraising effort.  Once we got inside, I spent some time explaining who Terry Fox was and what he did and why.  Poor little guy, it's hard to keep everything straight.

After a quick snack (home-made cookies and milk - YUM!) we piled into the van and headed to Nana and Papa's.

Papa bought us pizza (which was free, as he had filled up a Topper's card-you should have seen how excited my dad was when I showed him that his card was full....so cute!).  It was delicious!  Mostly, the boys played with the annoying Christmas train that Drew made my mom set up.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Christmas, but this train is like nails on a chalk-board!

This morning, we all woke up and got ready to head into town.  We were heading to another momstown event.  This time, it was a reptile party being held at Wee-Ones childcare centre.  The boys got to see snakes, lizards, spiders and various other disgusting creatures (Drew was in heaven, Hunter was a bit of a mess.....but I think he may be coming down with something).  The pictures tell it all, check out the smile on Drew's face...so cute!

We headed to Subway for lunch, where the owner greeted us at the door and asked if we wanted our "regular" lunch and then asked where James was.  Mental note, "you eat at Subway too much!"

Hunter fell asleep on the way home, so that leaves Drew and I to entertain ourselves.  We did some work in his "work-book", he's played with his playmobil toys and now he's watching some TV (if you ever see playmobil on sale anywhere, let me know!!!).  We're heading up to Nana and Papa's again this afternoon....it's nice and sunny, hopefully the boys will be able to get out and ride their toys.

Happy Saturday!

Friday, September 23, 2011

First phone call from the teacher!

Wednesday started out pleasantly enough.  We put Drew on the bus, he went on happily.  Hunter and I got ready and headed to the Milton EYC for his discover together class.  Hunter did great at the class.  He had a really fun time, played with some toys, did some painting and participated in the action songs in circle (it is so cute watching him do the actions!).

With the class pet, "Brownie".

We left early from our class and met James at McDonalds.  We had lunch there, Hunter played and then I took the car to my doctor's appt (yearly physical, oh joy) and James took H home for a nap.  Later on, we received a phone call from Drew's teacher.  He was on his way home by then.  I guess as they were getting ready to head to the gym to wait for their buses, Drew had an anxiety attack.  He told the teacher that he didn't like going on the bus because his "bus buddy" (older student assigned to the kindie students on the bus) got off the bus before him.  She just wanted me to know that she reassured him best she could and that he, reluctantly, did get on the bus.

Fast forward 25 minutes to me meeting him at the drive-way.  He was SUPER excited that he now has 2 bus buddies.  One gets off before him, and another one that gets off after him!  Not sure if the bus driver did that, or they did that at school....but it worked and Drew was totally fine.


We all got in the car and headed to the Gellart Centre to go to the "after school" swim that they offer there.  Everyone had a fun time!

Thursday was a bit of a ho-hum day until the evening.  We headed up to Nana and Papa's.  They were watching Hunter while I took Drew to his first Beavers meeting.  We haven't registered yet, and I'm not 100% sure that we are going to.

This is what Hunter was doing when I left with Drew.....YUM!

I wasn't overly impressed with the first meeting.  The kids sat around a lot, not doing anything except for listening to the leaders, who were essentially speaking to us (the parents).  There was a lot of talk about fund-raising, etc.  They did play one game, that was drawn out and confusing for most kids.  Drew tells me it was the "most boring thing of his life".  Can't say I blame him....asking 5 year olds to sit for any length of time is asking a lot.

Two friends from my past, MaryAnn and Kim were new leaders though, so if Drew does join, it would be fun to get to know them and their kids...it's been awhile.  I was told that the first meeting is always really boring and not to judge the whole program by that.  They are planning a lot of outings for the year (dependant on the fund-raising)....James and I will have to discuss it further, I guess.  Drew is adamant that he doesn't want to go back, but I think once he sees all of the fun stuff they are going to do (hopefully), he'll change his mind....plus, I was planning on volunteering, so it'd be a nice time for just Drew and I.

I'll keep you posted!

While Drew and I were at the meeting, James walked in!  He took off work a few hours early to catch his little man at his first meeting.  I almost jumped out of my seat I was so excited to see him (it was a surprise).  It was honestly one of the sweetest things.

Plus, then the boys got this at the end of the night....

I love my boys.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The First day of School

Our school does the gradual entry thing for kindergarten.  This means that they miss the first half of the first month of school.

Drew's first "full" day of school was Monday September 19.

He got to ride the bus.

I was expecting a freak-out at the last minute....cause this is the first time he's had to go on a bus with a driver other than my mom.

His driver's name is Percy (like Thomas the train's friend).  Drew thought this was hilarious, and helped him feel comfortable.

Drew did great.  No freak-outs, got right on the bus and didn't even look back.

I cried as I walked back into the house.

Hunter was upset too, because he wanted to get on the bus with Drew.

Hunter and I baked cupcakes to make ourselves feel better.

They turned out to be a delicious treat when big brother got home from school.

Drew wanted to go to East Side Mario's for dinner, to celebrate his first day of school.

How could we say no to that??

It was delicious.

On Tuesday, the boy had gymnastics and then we headed to Nana's for some play time.

Drew made her dig out her Christmas train.

It is September afterall.

After a little visit, we came home, picked James up and then off to Boston pizza we went for lunch.  I had got a coupon in my e-mail for a free pizza.  We couldn't turn that down.

We spent the afternoon/evening at Nana and Papa's and then early bedtime...

Happy Wednesday!