Monday, March 12, 2012

Photo Recap

Momstown craft playgroup - making snowflakes.  Drew was obsessed with making them for days after.

My mom's friend got the boys this firetruck.  Drew decided to put the fire out in the fire place with it (it shoots water)...don't worry, I didn't let him get very close to the fire, and it wasn't a big fire (I had only just lit it).

Every toy was dumped out, in a matter of less than 5 minutes!

Cookies keep the monsters at bay in the grocery store....sometimes.

Drew and Hunter spent a couple of days checking all of the smoke detectors in in everyone's house.

Drew's seed list for the to get the raised beds built....pinterest has given me some ideas!

Drew had a buddy over for a playdate.  For the most part, they included Hunter, which made me very happy.

Play doh with their buddy.

Looking at Monster trucks with Nana (our newest obsession).

Santa had bought them straws that turn white milk into chocolate milk...we've still got some.

Finger painting led to the need for a bath....both boys were turned into smurfs.

Hunter's new bike.

Drew sometimes crawls into H's crib to keep him company in the morning.  It's super cute.

Chalk board fun.

Drew ready for PJ day at school.

Hunter and his puzzles.