Here's how this weekend went down. My doctor wanted me to get some blood work done, due to the lump on my neck, so I went friday morning. I dropped James and the boys off at Rotary park and headed to the lab on Commercial street in Milton. This lab rocks, quick and it only took one attempt to get blood from me....seriously usually takes at least 5 jabs.......I'm always astounded, and thrilled when it only takes one try.
The boys had a great time at the park, Drew made some friends and even made them play with Hunter too.
Once our new park friends left, we were able to drag the boys away. We walked over to the Ivy Arms (or Ivy Army, as Drew calls it) for lunch (I was starving, had to fast for my test).
We had a yummy lunch, and then headed home so Hunter could have a nap. Once home, I put Hunter down for his nap, and hung out with Drew while James headed out to cut the grass, check the fences, check on the cows, the water, etc.
Hunter woke up, we packed the van and headed to Ikea (in Vaughn). We wanted to pick up the bunk-beds for the cottage and they were on sale. Unfortunately, they were all sold out when we got there. We shouldn't be surprised, as they are fairly cheap, look alright, and were sold out the entire summer last year (the first year they introduced them). We did have dinner there, and I was able to pick up some picture frames for the cottage...not the hooks I wanted though. They don't seem to be carrying them anymore....grrr
From there, we headed to the cottage. Both boys were asleep, and were easily transferred to their beds.
Saturday morning seemed to be ok too. Hunter and I woke up first, and he seemed ok then. Once Drew and James woke up, we all headed outside and Drew met up with his buddies. They played all morning, making a fort out of the climbing dome by adding blankets and the picnic table (I wish I had a picture, it was really cute). Hunter seemed tired, and even responded yes when I asked him if he was tired...but I waited until normal nap time to put him down. He went down easily and slept for 2 1/2 hours. He seemed warm when he woke up, but I thought that was just from being cozy while he slept. Boy was I wrong. Shortly after he woke up, he asked to go back to bed. I went and cuddled with him on our bed and we slept the afternoon away.
While we were doing this, the boys hung out in our cottage as there was a crazy thunder storm.
Once H finally woke up, I took his temperature and he had a temp. of 103! He then puked and puked again. James took Drew into town as he had to get some things for our adventures this week (more on that in a later post) and H and I hung out at the cottage. Essentially just cuddled, read books and watched movies. There was a point where he ate some cereal, but then puked that right back up. I was freaking out a bit when James got home, as he was squinting a bit. But after some advil and tempra, he seemed to be ok. Back to bed for him...I wasn't sure how he'd do, since he slept all day, but he slept the entire night.
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On the way out of the cottages, Drew and and James found a turtle! This helped Drew's mood, as he did NOT want to go into town! |
Hunter finally eating something. I took this pic to send to James to show him he was feeling better. Before I could send it, he puked. Crap. |
Both boys slept through the night again, Hunter woke up sunday morning, looking better, but asking to go back to bed 2 hours later. He did eat some bacon before he went down, and there was no puking!
The day went by in somewhat of a blur. We had tons of laundry to do (because of all the puking) and trying to keep Hunter inside was very difficult. After his morning nap, we let him out to get some fresh was pretty cool out though.
Drew played with his friends and then wanted to go swimming, so we did that.
We left around 3 to head to our next adventure.....Hunter still not feeling the greatest, but seemed to be doing ok on a regular dose of tempra and advil.
Here's to a better week!
this sounds eerily familiar to my latest blog post! :( Feel better Hunter! xo