We drove up last night, from the cottage. It took us a bit over 3 hours to get here from Peterborough. Glad we decided to break it up that way, not sure the boys could have handled 6 hours from our house. Drew slept most of the way, and H slept for about an hour. We stopped at what could have been the slowest McDonald's EVER for dinner and then kept on our way. It was a pretty drive. We took Hwy 7 all the way up, passed by lots of lakes, cottages, and farms.
We found our hotel and checked in. James took Drew swimming, I dosed H up with advil and tempra (see previous post....still not feeling very well) and put him to bed. Once Drew got back from swimming, he was way too wound up to sleep and ended up staying up until 10:30.....H woke up several times during the night too...only to wake for the morning at 4:30. I got him to sleep with me for a bit on the couch, and then James carried him back to his crib at 7ish (he slept until 9 from there).
When H woke up, he was burning up and would not stop crying. I was on my own at this point, James had left for his training (a 5 minute walk from our hotel), so I loaded the boys up and we started out on foot to the walk-in clinic. It ended up being about a 25 minute walk, with a smoothie stop half-way through (thank god for booster juice).
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This place could not have shown up at a better time! |
We waited at the walk-in clinic for close to 3 hours (H slept, thank god) where we met a complete jackass of a doctor ("why are you here, this is an adult clinic")...it would have been nice if someone had told me that 3 1/2 hours ago! GRRRR
Anyways, it turned out to be no help, he told me to go to the Children's hospital to get H checked out...he wasn't sure what was wrong, his ears and throat seemed fine. He was thinking chicken pox because of the spots on H's back, but they were just bug bites.......I left in almost tears, H was freaking out and it was pouring rain for our walk home. Thankfully, James was on his lunch break, so he had joined us at the clinic. He walked back with us (carrying Drew...a BIG help) and then left us once we got back to his building. Drew was starving, so we stopped at Pizza pizza and had some lunch. H ate some too, which was a big change from the day before.
Once back at the hotel, H seemed totally fine. He was still a little warm, but seemed to be back to his normal self. I opted to stay away from the hospital and see how things went. The rest of the afternoon went fairly well. Drew and I went swimming (H stayed on deck and threw pools toys at us) and we all played in the playroom here. Once James got home, we all headed out to dinner (East side mario's - kids eat free mondays!) and then walked around a mall.
James took Drew swimming again once back at the hotel and I attempted to put H to bed. He did NOT want to sleep...an hour later and he was still yelling, "done" to me. Finally he went to bed, once Drew came back he was exhausted and easily put to bed.
This morning I was questioning why the hell I decided to bring the boys here...but the afternoon/evening made up for it. Hopefully the rest of the week is just as fun!
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