Friday I had 2 doctors appointments. SOOO much fun! The first was one that I had made with my family doctor. My neck has been feeling swollen, and there are noticeable lumps, which I did not have before. I waited an hour in the waiting room, saw the doctor for 5 minutes and now have to go have an ultrasound to check out these mysterious lumps. She is worried it's my thyroid.
The second appointment was with a urologist regarding the enlarged kidney that showed up on the CT scan I had recently. This appointment was much better, as I only had to wait a few minutes to be seen. Said urologist is sending me for another ultrasound in 6 months, but isn't worried about the condition at all.
Good news!
While I was out, I e-mailed James to ask him how they were doing and this is what he sent me back....
I love my husband.
Our afternoon was filled with outside play for Drew and I, naptime for H and manure spreading for James. He was out there for over 5 hours! That's a lot of poop.
Once H woke up, we played around our house for a bit and then I took the boys up to the Glen for dinner. James came up after, and helped my dad load their couch into the truck. We were taking the truck home, unloading their couch at our house (it always seems that whenever we need a couch, my parents are magically about to get rid of theirs and get a new one....gotta love them) and taking our couch up to the cottage. Our plan was foiled however, as it was calling for rain on saturday. Oh well, take it up another weekend!
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