Saturday, June 11, 2011

Soccer ROCKED this week!

If you can think back to my post last week, regarding soccer, you will remember that it was quite the disaster.  Drew did not have fun.

This week was very different.  I remembered the water, it was an hour earlier, James came home early from work to watch and my parents and Hunter came to cheer him on too.  We had quite the little "Drew" cheering section, and it made all the difference.

He didn't want to go at first.  The only reason I got him in the car was because I told him daddy was going to be waiting for us at the soccer field.

Once there, he did great.  He listened to his coach, he tried hard, and he had fun!  We had fun too.....I actually got to watch and cheer, since I wasn't hugging and wiping tears away.......the pictures say it all.

So happy to see daddy!

Part of our cheering section

Hugs for Nana.

Our team is pretty

I was worried about H running onto the field..but he was so happy to cheer and watch the game.

The popsicles after the game were the highlight!
We left Stewarttown and headed to Allison's farm market for some ice cream to top off our evening.  Fun times!  Drew is missing soccer this coming week, but we'll be back at it after that!  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! I have three kids playing soccer and it is so fun...other than tracking down the uniforms every week that is...
