Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Meet us at the strawberry patch!

Cause that's where we like to be, apparently!

Sunday morning was a late start for us.  We were planning on heading over to Springridge with a  momstown group to go strawberry picking and play in the play -yard, but we didn't end up having enough time to go there before James had to go to work...so we headed to Andrew's Scenic Acres instead, it's much closer.

The boys were super excited once we got there.  We had a wagon ride out to the strawberry patch and picked a whole bunch of berries (which were eaten by the next day...so much for my plan to make jam!).  Hunter didn't hesitate this time and ate just about as many as he put in the basket.  Drew kept very close to James (a regular thing now, whenever James is around, he turns into "daddy's boy").

After lunch (a sausage on a bun, that looked better than it tasted) we headed back home, where James cut some grass and then headed into work.  Hunter had a nap, Drew and I played and then we all headed outside to plant some pumpkin seeds (better late than never) when who should appear but Nana and Papa....fresh from their night away in Niagara falls!
We played for a bit here and then we all headed up to their place for a bbq dinner.

Monday found Drew at school (his 2nd last day as a JK....I still can't believe it's almost over!) and Hunter and I at a Milton Springers gymnastics demo through momstown.  Hunter had a great time (I knew he would, he loves gymnastics).  After the gymnastics fun, we headed to Walmart to pick up some bubbles for Hunter's birthday party.  We stopped at McDonald's there for a quick snack (I figured H would fall asleep on the way home).

wasn't expecting him to fall asleep while eating!  Poor sleepy little man.
Hunter napped at home, while I did some housework and then we headed up to the Glen to meet Drew.  Once there, we all decided to head to the park.  The kids and I walked, nana did the 2nd part of her bus run then met us there in the van and papa drove down in the car after he went to Timmy's to pick up some coffee and timbits.  Drew met a kid there, and they seemed to have a good time playing.  Hunter tried to keep up with them.....Drew did a great job including him in their play.

We stayed at the park most of the afternoon and then headed back to Nana and Papa's for some dinner and more outdoor fun.

Bedtime went fairly smoothly, although for some reason Hunter decided to wake up in the middle of the night and stay up...he was up for hours and I am a complete zombie.

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