Just in case you didn't know.
This week has flown by, mostly because James has been at home. He's back to work today (just in time for the weekend!) so it's back to our normal schedule.
I'll attempt a quick summary of the week, although it's mostly a blur.
Drew went to school. I was hoping to work, but alas, no jobs were posted. James and I took Hunter to Springridge farm instead. He'd never been strawberry picking before (he came last year a few times, but just ended up sleeping in the stroller) so we wanted to give him that fun experience when we could put all of our attention on to him.
It was pretty funny actually. He did great, picking the strawberries, putting them in the basket, never once attempting to eat one. James knew that I wanted the token "red face" photo, so he told H that it was ok to eat one. That was all the pushing H needed...I don't think anymore went into the basket, they all went into his belly. Too cute.
Once we were finished picking the berries, we took out a small mortgage to pay for them (seriously, they were expensive!!) and then headed over to the play yard where Hunter played in the giant sandbox and milked a pretend cow.
can't get enough of these berries! |
We took H to a new pizza place in Milton for lunch and then it was home for a nap for him and back into town for me to see the doctor. Turns out my iron is still low after a few months of taking iron every day, so now I have to take 2 pills a day. Fun times.
We met Drew at Nana and Papa's after school and had a nice evening there with them.
Tuesday morning found us at gymnastics. It was graduation day (their last class). Both boys had a great time.
We rushed to grab some groceries and then headed back home so that I could rush back into town and have an ultrasound (for that lump on my neck...NOT the fun kind of ultrasound). After that, I picked the boys up and we headed to Boston Pizza for a momstown event where the kids made their own pizzas and got a tour of the kitchen. Drew was REALLY thrilled at seeing the kitchen. I was surprised by how taken he was with all of it.
My uncle Lloyd, aunt Viv, aunt Fran, uncle Henk and aunt Mae were all going to be at my parents house for the afternoon, so after Boston pizza we rushed over to Glen Williams. We had a quick visit with them, and said our goodbyes as they were all heading out to dinner (we couldn't go, as Drew had soccer). There was a HUGE meltdown by Drew when he found out Nana and Papa couldn't come to dinner...he was calmed down when he found out that grandpa was coming (clearly, James and I are just not good enough).
Phew.....tuesday was a crazy day.
On Wednesday, Drew went to school and I volunteered in his class (for the last time this year :( ) . I dropped Hunter off with my mom on her bus, as James was heading up to the cottage with the truck (finally taking our couch up there). After volunteering, I picked Hunter up and we came back home for an hour and got a few things done....then I picked Drew up early from school and off to the cottage we went! It was a smooth drive (the first time that I've done it by myself with both boys this year). Hunter slept most of the way.
He started freaking out when we got off the highway, as he woke up and was still exhausted. We stopped and walked around at DooDoo's so that made him feel better.
The cottage was great fun. The boys played outside, they fished, they swam, we put together the new climber (the one that I found on the side of the road) and both James and I fell asleep while putting the boys to bed (him Drew, me Hunter).
Thursday morning one of James' friends from work called and asked if he could bring his family up for the day (his whole crew was supposed to come the day before, but cancelled because of the rain). Of course we said yes. When I came out from trying to put H for a nap, his whole crew was there! I guess they all caught wind of the nice weather at the cottage. It was a fun afternoon....they brought lots of food with them, so we feasted and swam and they left around 4.
We stayed on until 8ish and then had a smooth ride home.....transferred both boys to their beds and watched a dvr'd episode of the newest reality series "expedition impossible".....not sure I loved it.
And here we are today. Drew is at school and H and I spent the morning at Springridge with some friends. H fell asleep on the way home, so I transferred him to his bed. After an hour, he woke up screaming, so he ended up napping on me, on the couch. It worked out well for me, I watched a dvr'd episode of "Rookie Blue" (love that show) and didn't feel guilty about watching it, as I couldn't move!
We met Drew at Nana and Papa's and had a nice evening with them, riding the gator, playing on the trampoline, etc. Drew has found a little nook in the bushes that he has now claimed as his fort. He allows Hunter to enter, but if any adults go anywhere near, he sprays them with water.
Too cute.
Happy weekend!