Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December should be a longer month...

There are too many things to fit in to it!  I need more time...

It's been almost 2 weeks since I last posted and what have we done???

We decorated our Christmas tree.  She ain't pretty.....in fact, she looks like an ornament store threw up on her.....but she's ours.  We love her.

The boys had a blast putting up the ornaments.  I do not have a "theme" for my tree, I don't follow a colour scheme, maybe I'll do that when I grow up.  For now, I love the process of taking an ornament out and remembering where it came from.  We have the ornament from my first Christmas, we have an ornament with James' hand print from when he was around Drew's age (Drew was measuring his hand against it).  Ornaments students have made me, some that the boys have made me, ornaments from Drew and Hunter's first x-mas's, one that my parents bought James and I for our first x-mas as a married couple.  You get the picture...lots of crap goes up on our tree, good crap, but crap nonetheless.  I love it.

Drew made this one last year in JK

Once H found the beads, decorating was pretty much over for him...he just wanted to play with them!

Drew and his baby's 1st christmas stocking that I hope he uses until he's 150.

Hunter and his baby's 1st christmas stocking that I hope he uses until he is 150 too.  Both purchased by Nana and Papa for them when they were babes.

Drew was very cooperative with the photo....Hunter, not so much.

Dancing to the Christmas carols that were blaring in the background.
 Once our tree was decorated, James hit the road for work and we patiently awaited the arrival of Drew's friend Mathew to join us for a play date.

Our craft room is coming together....

The boys decorated cupcakes, not the best plan, filling them up with sugar....oh well, they enjoyed it.

 It snowed mid week, and the boys got to pull their snow pants on for the first time and play in the white stuff.  It only lasted for a day, but we made some memories while we could.

Drew was SO excited about this snow man.

I was pretty excited too!

Hunter got a hair cut.  He cried through the entire thing and then when they gave him his silly bandz at the end, he turns to me and says, "that was fun mommy"......go figure.

The wii is broken now.....not good.

We started out with the intention of making salt dough ornaments.  Once we had measured the flour, I discovered we didn't have any salt.  Plan B was dumping a bunch of baking soda into a dish and watching it react with vinegar.  The boys were satisfied.

We took the santa train on saturday.  We left from Orangeville this year.  Nana, Papa, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Lisa, Uncle Norm and the kids all came.  It was great fun.

Hunter had enough photos...

After the train, we went to McDonald's for lunch and some playtime.  I only had to rescue one bleeding child from the playplace (not to worry, it wasn't one of ours).

That's about it for this post, I'm getting sleepy....we're just about caught up.  More soon!

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