Wednesday, March 2, 2011


James woke up Tuesday morning with an enthusiastic, "let's go to Skedaddles!".  After a quick check of the barn and the cattle (everything was fine today, thank goodness), we packed up and headed to the indoor play land.

Look at my tower, mama!!!

After a few hours of fun, we headed to Hero burger for a delicious lunch.

We hurried home, so James could get ready for work and I could put Hunter down for a nap.

It was March 1st, so in order to celebrate the upcoming arrival of spring, I decided it would be appropriate to have a Popsicle party in the kitchen.  James had bought a variety of Popsicles when the boys were sick with sore throats, so we had plenty to choose from.  The boys were thrilled.

Try this, brother...
Nana and Papa arrived at 4pm to watch the boys as I had a workshop to attend in Oakville.  The workshop was entitled, "kinderscience" and was all about introducing science to our littlest students, the kindies.  It was a cute workshop, with lots of hands-on stuff.  Drew's teacher was there too.  Nana and Papa reported that the boys were angels.  They played here at our house for a bit, then went up to the Glen to have dinner and play some more, then my parents brought the boys back here at around 8:30.  Hunter was sleeping when they arrived, but our "transfer" did not go so well.  He ended up waking and screaming, and did not want to go back to sleep even with my rocking.  He threw up once, and then afterwards still screamed whenever I put him down.  Nana and Papa had to leave, as it was getting late and they both had to work the next day.

My solution was to take them both upstairs, and read Drew his stories.  After I'd read the mandated 3 stories, Drew says, "mamma, can you come back up and read me 1 more after you put Hunter to bed??" I agreed and came back downstairs to put H to bed.  After what seemed like forever, he finally went was too late for another story though, my poor exhausted little man fell asleep.

And then there was the arrival of this....

It arrived Tuesday in the form of a "For Lease" sign.  Within hours, my father received phone calls and a few visits up at the Glen, asking to lease the property.  He was very confused, as he did not realize the sign that had been placed.  Once he arrived here to babysit the kids, he clued in, and was very angry.  Now, my dad does not get angry very often.  The real estate agents received a phone call and the sign was changed early this morning (when I left to take Drew to school at 8am it was changed) parents also received a phone call today asking if everything was OK.  "Jim sounded a bit upset on the phone".  Ya think????

Doesn't exactly instill the most confidence in them, eh???

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