Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Bat Cave

Last night as James and I sat watching the "Wills and Kate" movie (surprisingly good...and has made me have a new appreciation for this couple) something swooped by my face.  "Ah..a bird is in the house!" I yelled. "Oh no, it's a bat!!" I screech.  I then start laughing hysterically...honestly, it just topped off my day perfectly (had a rough one yesterday).

I was absolutely useless in the "get the bat out of the house" operation.  Luckily James was home from work.  I essentially covered my head with a blanket and dodged the creepy thing whenever it flew at me (which was a lot).  James eventually told me to leave the room as I wasn't helping.  The bat took a tour of the house, into our bedroom, into Hunter's bedroom, upstairs to my brother's old room.  We (ok, James) attempted to shoo it out of the house, but it just wouldn't leave.  It eventually met it's match at the end of a tennis racket.

Good times.

Today was a better day.  We had a quiet morning at home, playing "kitchen".  Drew and Hunter would put a bunch of their wooden food into bowls, put it into their microwave and then serve it to me.  While we did this, James made waffles.

After breakfast, I loaded the boys in the van and then took them up to my parents.  I was working this afternoon, so Nana and Papa were on babysitting duty.  The boys rode the bus with my mom twice and then stayed home with my dad for her third run....they had a great time.  Once I arrived home, my mom and I took the boys outside to play as there was a lull in the rain.  Drew got on his bike and was whizzing around the winner's circle when he got stuck in a puddle.  It was at this time that he discovered that he could shoot water and mud behind him with his back wheel.  He stayed here for quite some time.  Hunter kept running up behind him to get sprayed and then run away laughing like crazy.  It was too funny.

We quickly took them in for baths before Papa returned home with dinner.  The rest of the evening found us eating, jumping on the mini-trampoline that is in their living room and watching treehouse. Incidentally,  I just read that treehouse inadvertently showed an add for the movie, "the ring".  Yikes!  Thank goodness the boys didn't see that, but what a mix up!!!  There are some PISSED-OFF parents out there!  After the day, both boys were exhausted (Hunter didn't nap) and Drew was acting up because he was so tired.  The time period between 5-7 is always the HARDEST time of day for us.

Both boys fell asleep on the way home, but Hunter has been up screaming sporadically since I put him in his crib...over-tired maybe???

Anyways, that was our day!  Hopefully no more bats tonight!  It's James' day 5, so we will get to see him for the next few days....yay!

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