Sunday, September 19, 2010

Friday September 17, 2010

Friday was another perfect day.

My husband has been on days for the past week as he's had training.

The boys and I woke up, had breakfast and then got down to business......the business of playing.  It's serious work.  The usual, trains, trucks, tractors, and cars.....gotta love boys.  It always amazes me how drawn they are to typical "boy" toys.  Why can't we just have a tea party, or play with dolls once in a while???  lol.

At 11, Hunter had a nap and Drew and I just hung out.  We read stories, watched treehouse, played trains and made lunch.  When Hunter woke up, we packed up the van and headed to Nana and Papa's.

Once there, we played with Nana for a while and then she had to leave on her bus run.  Drew didn't want to go with her (something we're a bit nervous about, because up until two days ago, he would have sold his brother to get on that bus....maybe he's really nervous about school?  He starts getting picked up by nana's bus from school tomorrow...we'll see).

When Nana was gone, the boys and I walked down to the park.  My parents joined us there once they got home from work. 

Once back at the Glen, James joined us after work, as did my brother and we just all hung out for the evening.  We set up the bouncy castle, played trains, drove the gator and played hide and seek.  We love the Glen so much. 

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