Friday, September 24, 2010

2 Moms in the City

Wednesday, galpal Laur and I hit the road for Toronto.  I had gotten tickets to be in the audience for Cityline.  Laurie left Hadley with Grannie-Annie and the boys stayed with James (well, Drew was at school).  I picked Laur up at her mommy's house at 7 and off we went.  Traffic was terrible and it took us an hour and a half to get to Yorkdale (yikes!  Much longer than I was anticipating).  We hopped on the subway to the Dundas exit and found our way to the City tv building.

Once there we were given our tickets and then escorted upstairs for the pre-show and were given the chance to ask Nanny Robeena questions we had (we were taped).  I asked one about putting the two boys to bed by myself (it gets a little crazy here at bedtime when James is at work). 

We were then walked downstairs and seated for the show.  We were in the front row!

The show was great, we got a few giveaways (magazines, vitamins, a mommy calendar).  We met Dr. Dave (of momshow fame) and tried to clap and smile when we were supposed to (and not pick our noses or yawn when we weren't).

After the show we hit starbucks for hot chocolates and then headed back to Yorkdale for some lunch (pickle barrel and some browsing in the kiddie shops.....)  I don't think we even looked at one thing for ourselves (oh how times have changed!).

It was a great day.  It's been a long time since we've had the chance to spend the day together without a child (or two, or three) in tow.  We got to catch up and gossip and remember old times.  I love our children (and our husbands), but I love my friend too....and I hope there are lots more days like this in our future! 

Thanks Laur, for a great day!  Love you!!


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