Saturday, January 9, 2010

January 9, 2010

My oldest son, Drew, was born in September of 2006. My youngest son, Hunter, was born in July of 2009. 2 boys, 2 wonderful boys. Drew is obsessed with trains, namely, Thomas the train. If Thomas is not around, any old train will do. I have learned more about trains in the past couple of years than I have my whole life. Before Drew became interested in trains I had never used the word "buffer" in a complete sentence. It is now a word that I use on a daily basis......oh how life has changed. Hunter is 6 months old, can roll from back to front and front to back and is mostly interested in chewing on his toy giraffe, "Sophie". Sophie is apparently the "it" toy of 2009. I arrived at my first baby class at the local early years centre and was the only mommy without a "sophie". My sister-in-law quickly changed that, as she had one in her backseat her kids were not using anymore. Hunter now has one, and hasn't let it go since.....In 2006, when Drew was a baby, I believe the "it" toy for a baby was the "whoozit". We had one of those too, also given to us by my sister-in-law. Where would my kids be, if it were not for her??? It should be noted that all of our baby gadgetry, the vibrating chair, the jumperoo, the swing, etc were at one time in my sister-in-laws house. We have timed our children in a way (not on purpose) that we were in need of an item at a time when they were done with it. It has worked out wonderfully, in that we haven't had to shell out cash for the baby stuff, and she has been able to get rid of it easily. Gotta love family!

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