For whatever reason, the photos at the beginning of this post got all screwed up.
Our mini-vacay was awesome. We started off at skating lessons, as we do every saturday morning. This saturday though, Drew got his mid-term report card. I was so excited by the table of report cards/ribbons, I didn't see the big board, which listed which class the children had moved to! We were supposed to pick up a new colour thingy for his skate, so that they would take him right from the get-go to his new class. Poor little bean went to his old class. There was a bit of shuffling during class.
We're very proud of the little man, who is doing so well with his skating!
Once skating was over, we had a bit of a snack with Nana and Papa (who came to watch) and then headed to Burlington. Here we stopped for Subway, had some ice cream and then went to the grocery store for some snacks (because what's a Bonney family road trip without crap to eat?!?!?)
Aunt Laurie and Uncle Andre's was next on the list. We had told Drew and Hunter that Andre was installing a bathroom in their basement. Drew was CONVINCED that he was just digging a giant hole in the basement, and was trying to convince us that we should do that too, cause you know, "digging holes isn't hard, I do it everyday!". Gotta love that logic.
We had a great visit, the boys loved seeing little H (I think she had fun with them too!!)......I wish we lived closer!!!
Once we arrived at the double tree, James went to check in and left the boys and I in the car. Hunter was sleeping, so Drew and I just hung out. It took James FOREVER to come out, he was in our room giving Lisa directions to our house, because we had forgotten our passports at home.
We are so smart!
The lovely hotel I worked at during university. |
The double tree gives you a fresh baked cookie upon check-in! |
Once L, N and the girls arrived, we ate dinner (pizza and wings) and then James took the kids swimming. That was pretty much that for our night. Drew requested the hockey game be put on, so we watched a bit of that and then the boys went to sleep and James and I watched an episode of survivor on the laptop, using earphones so as not to wake the boys!
skyping with Grandma and Grandpa. |
Watching the hockey game. |
It's so tough to be 5! |
Pretty sunrise. |
The next morning, we went swimming (I spent way too much time in the hot-tub and spent the rest of the day with a giant headache).
We went to the bird aviary, which honestly, I wasn't very excited about. Headache + birds crapping on my head wasn't exactly my idea of fun. It turned out to be fantastic though. I highly recommend going!!!
We decided to test their luck and sent the kids over the falls in a barrel. They came out A-ok!! |
I wonder if the birds were afraid of the "bear". Drew refused to take his hat off because he didn't want to be pooped on. |
"Somebody help, my dad is being attacked by birds!!!" |
J being freaked out by her crazy uncle. |
Snack time! |
"Mommy, I'm stuck". This happened far too many times. |
Another out of order photo...we took this just as we were leaving the aviary. |
Crossing over to Buffalo. |
Hunter's self-portrait |
Sunday night we headed over to Buffalo where we went to Target, the kids went swimming, I tried to go to Old Navy (which closed at 7 - annoying given that I was there at 7:15) and James and I watched an episode of Modern Family after the kids had gone to bed (again with ear phones!).
Monday found Lisa, J and I headed over to the Walden galleria for a bit while Norm and James took the other 3 stooges swimming. After checking out of the hotel, we headed to the Olive Garden for a delicious lunch and then it was home for a relaxing, do-nothing evening.
Happy family day! Sorry the pics were so screwed up in this post!!
The Millenium hotel we stayed at in Buffalo. |
oh my did Hadley ever have fun - she was a wild and crazy lady and loved having people to chase her!