It didn't feel that busy yesterday, but as I look over the pictures I'm now realizing why Drew fell asleep on the way home from the Glen last night!
It started early yesterday morning with Drew realizing it was Halloween and practically galloping out to the bus. Once again, good luck Ms Fisher! lol
Hunter, James and I hung out at home with H doing some sticker crafts....I took this picture because he was so focused for so long, it was adorable!
James' parents came over to watch H so that I could head over to Pineview to help the kindies put their costumes on for the annual costume parade. It was ADORABLE.
Drew's cute little class, with Ms Fisher in the background. |
Lining up to start the parade. |
In the gym, during the assembly. |
Once Drew came home from school, we headed up to the Glen to have dinner and go trick or treating.
Hunter found some flowers to pick for me. |
Uncle Jamie and Hunterbug. |
Enjoying some of his loot and not wanting his photo taken. |
No pants on and candy in his hand - Hunter was loving this moment! |
Papa loves halloween treats! |
I was a little disappointed with Drew's behaviour last night. Jamie had come home this week so that he could go out trick or treating with the boys. He came out last year and we all had a great time (don't get me wrong, we still had a great time this year) but Drew would not have anything to do with Jamie this year. I think Jamie's feelings were hurt a little, and I was sad for Drew. I know that once Jamie leaves on Thursday, Drew will be wishing he paid more attention to his uncle. I've been trying to tell him that, but he doesn't seem to understand. Sigh.
On the bright side, there was a house in the Glen that was giving out Bailey's (for the adults) and full-size chocolate bars!
Happy Halloween!
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