H and I went to his class and then had our weekly date at Subway.
I worked at Silver Creek all day, so Grandma and Grandpa watched the boys. I came home with an awful headache and a sore throat. Dinner was on the couch that night and I cuddled up in the corner and tried not to cry. It is HARD to be sick and have the boys by myself.
James came home that night with a bit of a white face. His first words to me were, "we are buying a new car tomorrow"
It seems the brakes went soft on his way to work and he had to rely on the parking brake to get him the rest of the way there and back home.
My man can change brakes, and we had quite the discussion as to whether he should spend Friday changing the brakes on the car or whether we should just bite the bullet and say goodbye to the echo (we've been talking about it for over a year).
A bit of a background on our beloved echo. We bought it used right after our wedding in 2003 (it was a 2000). We needed a new car to replace our "Shadow" so that James could drive safely to Rigaud, Quebec for Customs College. Since buying it, the car has driven back and forth to Quebec about a dozen times, back and forth to Niagara Falls too many times to count (James stayed working at Rainbow bridge for about a year after we first moved to the farm), to Florida twice and many other long trips. It has over 300000km on it and was starting to fall apart at the seams.
There was a period of a few months where it would just stall randomly. Mostly it would happen in very inappropriate places (like the middle of an intersection when a large truck was coming towards you). James finally figured out what that problem was and fixed that...but it still needed a new windshield, new muffler, new brakes, etc, etc....
So, we did it. We said goodbye and bought a new Corolla. It's shiny and red and smells like a new car (like the one we get when we go to Disney world, according to Drew).
That was Friday. James went to the dealership, bought the car and drove it to work that afternoon.
That's so typical us, wait until the very last possible moment to replace a car and then it turns into this big emergency (when we replaced the Neon, it took it catching on fire for us to make the decision to replace it).
The boys were oblivious to this though. They were at Nana's (I was at work) for the whole day/evening.
I found the Winnie the Pooh quote/photo below on Pinterest (I am ADDICTED to Pinterest). Anyways, I love it and am going to frame it and hang it somewhere.
Saturday found us picking up our friends Kelly, Cody and Kyla, piling in our van and heading to the grand opening of Mastermind in Burlington. It was JAMMED there. I lined up to get Drew and H a playmobil toy for a long time without moving forward at all. We all decided to abandon ship and head to the park. Mastermind gave the kids a few free toys on our way out, so the kids didn't leave empty handed...made the meltdowns far less severe (had we stayed in the store any longer, I would have started melting down...I do not do well in crowded shopping situations).
The park was fantastic. Kelly took us to one of their usual haunts. It's right on the lake, in Burlington. The kids had a great time.
Sunday was our usual swimming lesson day. We all had fun (the boys are improving in leaps and bounds) and then headed to Timmy's with Nana and Papa (James left for work).
A few of our friends came over that afternoon to play and carve some pumpkins.
Sunday night we headed to Nana and Papa's. Our newest activity there is raking up a giant pile of leaves and driving our vehicles on top of the leaves until they get stuck.
It is SOOO fun! (Must be a boy
Nana taking all of her frustrations |
And that's that....Monday and Tuesday found me at work and James with the boys. More fun stuff is in store for us this week, can't wait to post about it!