Our school does the gradual entry thing for kindergarten. This means that they miss the first half of the first month of school.
Drew's first "full" day of school was Monday September 19.
He got to ride the bus.
I was expecting a freak-out at the last minute....cause this is the first time he's had to go on a bus with a driver other than my mom.
His driver's name is Percy (like Thomas the train's friend). Drew thought this was hilarious, and helped him feel comfortable.
Drew did great. No freak-outs, got right on the bus and didn't even look back.
I cried as I walked back into the house.
Hunter was upset too, because he wanted to get on the bus with Drew.
Hunter and I baked cupcakes to make ourselves feel better.
They turned out to be a delicious treat when big brother got home from school.
Drew wanted to go to East Side Mario's for dinner, to celebrate his first day of school.
How could we say no to that??
It was delicious.
On Tuesday, the boy had gymnastics and then we headed to Nana's for some play time.
Drew made her dig out her Christmas train.
It is September afterall.
After a little visit, we came home, picked James up and then off to Boston pizza we went for lunch. I had got a coupon in my e-mail for a free pizza. We couldn't turn that down.
We spent the afternoon/evening at Nana and Papa's and then early bedtime...
Happy Wednesday!
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