Our water pump has been acting up. It still worked, and pumped water through the house (at a lower pressure), but would not shut off...ever. In the past, when this happened, it has meant that the water was low in the well or there was air in the line. James checked and neither of these options was the problem...hmmm. Dad came over and checked everything out as well. We were under the impression that it was probably the pump itself that was the problem (it is over 30 years old) and when we called the dealer, were informed that a replacement would cost $700.00 (yikes!). The man we spoke with though, talked us out of buying a new pump, saying that it was probably the jet that lies at the bottom of the well (a $100.00 fix). So, yesterday, my dad came over and worked with James to see if they could fix our water situation. It took all day, but they did it. Our water is now working normally, we no longer have to go to the old basement to turn the pump on/off when we want to do laundry or flush the toilet. Hurray!!

I was very helpful, taking pictures while the work was being done. |
This was the difficult part, and had to be repeated many times, as the hoses kept rubbing up against the rocks in the well... |
Papa down the well. |
Earlier in the morning, I took Hunter to baby playgroup (Drew was in school). We met at a friend's house and then all walked to the local park. The kids had a great time. I had forgotten our stroller, and was anticipating a nightmare of a walk home. Sure enough, Hunter did not want to leave the park. Thankfully, one of our friends had a wagon and offered H a ride home in that. His mood quickly changed, and our walk back was actually fun!
That afternoon, I had an appt. with a specialist regarding my wisdom teeth. He recommended I have the surgery to remove them all. I booked a date, but I don't think I'll go through with it. I'm only covered for half the cost, so even with the coverage, we'll still be out over $1000.00. Hard to say....we'll see how bad they get, I guess.
After my appt. I came back home to pick H up and then off to the Glen we went to meet Drew after school and to have dinner with Nana and Papa. James stayed back to fix some fence and get some other things done around the farm.
We are a family of cheepos. I was at the grocery store after our park date and found this....couldn't resist. We celebrated mother's day again with a yummy cake......tasted even better knowing it was half-price!
Happy Monday!
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