Today, Drew had his very first snow day. He was very excited. For some reason, he had it in his head that on a snow day, since Nana does not have to drive her bus, we would get to go to the Glen and hang out with Nana all day. Man, there was a shit-storm when I told him we couldn't. His solution to the whole, "roads are too bad to drive on" problem was that we could walk there. Poor little man. The consequences of him being so mad though were not pretty. He was rude to me, mean to his brother and ended up back in his room for several time-outs and this was all before it was 8:30am!!! I thought this day is going to be brutal....
It turned around though. He calmed down, the boys found some things to do, and we settled into a flow for the day.
Drew put tape on the table so that he would have roads and bridges...we ended up with tape all over the room. |
James is showing Drew a picture of a van that we found on the internet...he was pretty excited about it. |
I think we may have played with every toy in the house today. |
The little people crossing one of the bridges. |
Things didn't go so smoothly for my poor husband. He was woken up by Drew and I fighting (he worked late last night) and then had to deal with our water. Our well was empty and needed filling up. When he went to fill it up from the barn well (my dad had a well drilled for the barn, our house well is a very old dug well), the section where he attaches the hoses was frozen. A few hours later, James finally had the hoses working and our well filling up. Then he got the tractor out and cleaned our driveway...coming in a few times to warm up cause it was COLD outside! Poor James.
Hunter loves this yells, "put me down" when you hold it by the ears. |
I was doing the dishes and it got quite quiet...went looking for them and found them hiding under the dining room table eating suckers (apparently they found the Halloween stash!) |
For lunch today, I made soup chicken. It's something that we have quite often, but today I changed it up a little bit and really liked the results. I combined cream of mushroom and cream of celery soups (with a bit of water/milk) and rice. Poured them on the bottom of a baking dish, put the chicken on top and then sprinkled onion soup mix on the chicken. The onion soup mix totally made a difference. Soooo yummy!!! Drew ate it for dinner and loved it cold. Will definitely do this one again.
Once James headed to work, we suited up and went outside to play in the snow.
Drew building his roads with his dump-truck and Hunter waving to me from the window. |
"I love the snow!!!" |
The rest of the evening went pretty well. Dinner, baths, and then bedtime stories. Hunter had a pretty hard time going to sleep, it took a while for him to settle down. Drew on the other hand, fell asleep as soon as I read him his last story.....I'm about ready to turn in too. I'm working tomorrow, so things will be very scrambley in the morning.
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