Our family headed to Great wolf lodge on Thursday Feb 24 for one night. We love this place, and happened upon a 25% off deal, so we couldn't resist.
We left home at 10 am and headed straight to the bulk barn as I had a 3$ off coupon (on a purchase over 10$). Aren't we thrifty?? We picked up a selection of gummy bears, chocolate covered pretzals, choco mix and other essential vacation foods. James ran over to the superstore and picked up a carton of milk for Hunter and we were on our way.
The drive went smoothly enough. Drew watched Mighty machines and Hunter had a nap. We arrived in Niagara Falls at around noon and decided to hit McDonald's to get some lunch before we took the boys to the lodge. The McDonald's had a fancy "new" play place and my boys were thrilled. We probably could have saved ourselves some money and just stayed there all day.
Sleepy Hunter...the hand to the face is so cute! |
Excited Drew. |
The boys at the awesome play place |
Once we dragged the boys away from the play place, we went to see if our room was ready. It was not. The lodge was JAMMED, at capacity for the night. No free upgrades for us this time! We grabbed all of our swimming stuff and headed into the water park.
Both boys had a blast. We swam until 4, when they both were asking to leave (their lips were turning purple, I think they were a little cold!). I was trying to keep them in, as Aunt Laurie was bring Hadley over and I wanted the boys to swim with her. Alas, sweet little Hads decided to have a big nap, so we didn't get to swim with her.
Let me out...I want to swim!! |
I left our diaper bag near the ice cream stand, Hunter and I kept going back to it so I could check my phone for texts from Laur. The ice cream lady kept giving Hunter samples of ice cream! Lucky him! |
Once back in the room, we got changed and were visited by aunt Laurie and Hadley. The boys dug into their bulk barn snacks, and Laur and I (and Hadley) had a bit of time to catch up. (James was bringing our stuff up to the room).
Once all of our stuff was safely in our room, we all decided to take Hadley down to the cub club room to have some fun with the crafts and toys there. Shortly after this, Hadley had to leave to get to swimming lessons on time. We're so glad they were able to come visit, it had been way too long since we'd seen them.
Hads opening her belated Christmas gift from us |
Around the same time that Laurie and Hadley left, the cousins arrived. They brought KFC for dinner, which was surprisingly yummy. I haven't had it for years....probably should have stayed away from it, cause now I remember how good it is!
We all went for another swim, then hit the arcade. Katie and Drew went to the story time, while Hunter and J went to bed.
Drew came back from storytime and went to bed with no problems. He slept like a log. H on the other hand, did not have such a good night. He was up several times. The 2 of us ended up sleeping on the couch (which was small and uncomfortable).
H woke up early, so we hung out for a bit. James woke up shortly after and took H for a bit so Drew and I could get some sleep. After a big sleep in for Drew (8:30!) we got up and went to the hallway tables for McDonald's breakfast.
The 2nd day was full of swimming, arcade (Drew won an airplane!), more swimming, a 2 hour nap for Hunter, the cub club room and more swimming.
Lisa and Norm left at around 4, while we stayed until 8:30. We had dinner at the hotel restaurant (which is a delicious buffet), stayed for story time and then headed home.
Both boys slept the entire ride home (as did I) and we had a great night where both boys slept through....yay!
We absolutely love this place, and can't wait to go back!
Some pics...
H in the cub club room |
Drew and Katie jumping in between beds. |
At the arcade desk. |
Sleepy Hunter. |
Jackpot! |
Pizza lunch. |
Hoola Hoop contest. |
J!! |
The boys watching TV in the cub club room. |
My boy in his jammies all ready for home. |