Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Back into the swing of things..

It seems that James and I were a bit shaken up after our accident.  It took us a few days to really get back into normal life.  We're back though, and going strong.

We are now driving around a 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan (the rental we got through our insurance).  We were unaware that we had this as part of our insurance coverage, and so my parents had offered to lend us their matrix.  We took them up on it (and loved driving the matrix, will probably be the kind of car we replace the echo with) until we spoke with our insurance agent on Monday (which, BTW, next time we crash a car, we will be calling them asap - we had been waiting for a quote before we decided if we wanted to go through them......).  Our insurance agent set us up with the rental, and instructed us to move the van from the Chrysler dealership (where we had it towed) to this other, pre-approved, shop in Milton.  Anyways, haven't heard from the shop, so we have no idea when the van will be fixed.  To be honest, I don't LOVING the grand caravan!!!  So roomy!  Will be hard to give it up.

Today, Drew went to school and Hunter and I headed to Indigo for "baby" book club through momstown Milton.  It was really fun, a few of our playgroup friends were there, along with some new friends.  Hunter seemed to enjoy the songs at first, but then decided he would rather play with the huge display of rubber balls.  He has now learned to say, "no", so whenever I would say, "Hunter, please come back and sing"...he would reply with, "nooooooooo".  It's a very dramatic, very drawn out, very cute, little no.

My mom had to go to a meeting this evening, so the boys and I took Toy Story 3 over and watched it with my dad.  Drew asked me to turn it off a few times (during the scary parts), but we stuck it out and he watched the whole thing (some of it while hiding behind the couch).  He was really excited about it at the end.  The most exciting part of the night for him though, was the monster truck he got in his happy meal.....that he is sleeping with tonight.....REALLY like that monster truck!

Hunter is not feeling the greatest now.  He puked twice while we were at the Glen, and did not eat any supper.  I'm not sure what is going on with my little buggy.  I hope he feels better tomorrow.  He didn't feel warm, or anything.

Some photos from the day...

Hunter at Indigo

The theme for the day was "Hats".

Movie time!

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