Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fun-filled weekend

This weekend was so much fun! 

Saturday morning, the boys had swimming.  They did so great.  Drew swam underwater a little bit, and is getting more confident in the water.  It's so fun to see how proud he is of himself when he masters something new.  Hunter loves jumping into the water, even though he can't really jump yet.  He was watching the big kids jump in and then was trying to mimic what they were doing, only he couldn't get himself off the ground.  It was soooo cute!

Tim Horton's was our next, and usual, stop after swimming lessons.  Nana and papa joined us, and we had the usual timbit brunch.

We had a date that afternoon at Lowville park.  We met Katherine Mcintosh of natural attraction photography to have a family photo shoot done.  We had originally planned to have these family shots done during the momstown photo shoot day at Kelly's house a few weeks earlier, but Drew was sick.  We had a fun time at Lowville, and I'm hoping we got some great shots.  If they are anything like the "teaser" she's given us, they should be great!

We got home in time to have a bit of playtime before our next outing of the day.  Drew and I were outside, hiding from the bird-feeder so we could watch the birds eating the food we had put out for them when who should pull up, nana and papa!

They were actually hoping we would still be out, as my dad was planning on fixing the roof of the barn and didn't want the boys to see him climb the barn (and get any ideas that they could do it themselves!).  The show must go on though and kids or no kids, that roof needed to be fixed!

James went out to help my dad and the kids and I headed inside with nana.

My dad amazes me sometimes.  The man is in his 60's and there he is, scaling roof-tops.  I'm in my 30's and there is no way in hell you'd catch me up there.  He got a few of the spots fixed, there are a few spots left.  He's got to take some pieces up with him the next time he goes to repair what's left.                                   

Our next stop of the evening was to our friend's house for an evening campfire play date.  Colin and Kelly have a beautiful property on the escarpment in Milton.  We joined a few of our friends there, and had a wonderful evening watching our kids play together, chatting, roasting marshmallows, eating pizza and having lots of fun.  Drew and Hunter had a fabulous time, and James and I did too!

Sunday morning we had planned to leave right away for Toronto to visit Lisa, Norm, Katie and Julia but we had an emergency call that nana and papa were stranded at the casino as they had locked their keys in their truck (gasp...not stuck at the casino!  LOL).  We drove up to the Glen and then drove back to Mohawk to deliver their 2nd set of keys to them.  On to Toronto from Mohawk.  I was very tempted to put a couple coins in the slots while I was there, that's how millionaires are made, right???  But I didn't......guess we'll never know what could have been.  Sigh. 

We arrived in Toronto and the kids immediately fell right back into playing together as if they'd just seen each other yesterday.  It always amazes me how well they get along.  It's so relaxing to get together with them, because the kids can entertain each other for hours.  We had pizza for lunch (James got yelled at by the crazy pizza man....apparently we should have "seen" him standing outside.  I'm afraid we have not developed our x-ray powers yet, my friend).  The girls had swimming lessons that afternoon so we headed home.

Grandma and Grandpa joined us at our house.  They watched the kiddies for us, while we went out on another date afternoon.  We went for a walk, got some groceries and had dinner at the Ivy Arms in Milton.  It was a very nice evening.  There has been some tension in our house lately.  It's hard navigating the whole, "2 parent working" scenario.  Not that I'm working full-time or anything, but farm work always gets put on the back-burner and it frustrates James (don't worry, the cattle are being taken care of, it's just all the little things that are not).  It was nice to get away and talk about things and clear the air a bit.  We also went to the Toyota car lot to have a look at cars.  It's about time we retire the Echo, and so we are looking for a replacement.  Car shopping is not the funnest thing in the world, I find the whole process confusing.  It's hard to know what's best, when car salesmen always seem like they are lying to you.

There you have it, another weekend gone.  This week will be full of work, putting up Christmas decorations, and spoiling my boys.  I think a trip to Toys R Us might be in order.  This working mama is feeling a guilt-driven shopping spree for the boys is in order!

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