Old navy advertised an Early opening this morning for their 16th birthday celebration (7am) so mom, hunter and I hit the road at 6:45 to try and get some deals. Showed up at Erin mills only to find out they were not opening until 9:30. I thought my mother was going to punch me in the face. The nice couple in the car next to us suggested that maybe square one would be open (the man in the car did not look impressed). Off to the 403 we went.
A crowd of people was gathered outside of the store (we found out when we arrived it wasn't opening until 8 -crap). We power walked around the empty mall and found a Timmy's that was open so mom wasn't so grouchy.
Thank god!
Once the store opened people literally ran into the store. Ridiculous. I didn't understand why they were in such a rush. There weren't hundreds of people or anything, surely there would be enough coats for everyone (16$ coats!). I quickly understood why. People were grabbing 5 and 6 coats each...and pushing and shoving each other to get to the coats.
Mom and I headed straight to the kids area to avoid the possibility of us getting into some sort of coat-induced brawl. We were already cranky enough. The kids section did not have a huge selection of coats that were 16$, but I was able to find 2 matching lumberjack coats for the boys and mom found a cute coat she just had to buy for Drew that was 30% off.
After the hysteria died down, we wandered over to the women's section to see what all the fuss was over these 16$ coats. I'll tell you this much, I wouldn't have paid 8$ for these coats. I tried one on, and the sleeves were too short.
Glad I didn't throw a punch to get one!
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