It's one of the farm chores that I"ve always hated. Getting rid of the manure. James announced this morning that it was time to spread the manure from the barnyard and you would not believe how excited Drew was to help. Let's go, daddy!
Off they went, hand in hand, to shovel the poop. I wouldn't let Drew ride on the John Deere with James while he was loading the spreader, as it doesn't have a cab on it. So, Drew patiently waited, on the house side of the fence, while James filled the spreader, and then he'd grab Drew and off they went in the international tractor (with the cab). James taught Drew how to turn the manure spreader on and let Drew steer the tractor as they worked. It was adorable to watch them work.
Once they were done that job, Drew decided that it was time to finish off his sandbox. They got out their tools and set to work. A very productive day, as the sandbox is all ready to be filled with sand now. We even called Harwood's and it's being delievered tomorrow morning!
After all of this, we headed up to Nana and Papa's to await their return (they have been in Las Vegas for the week). We had Swiss Chalet for dinner and when we returned, there they were. Drew was thrilled and threw a huge fit when it was time to leave. Can't really blame's been a while since he last visited with them. Poor little man.
And where was Hunter during all this? Napping in the morning, playing with me in the afternoon, and chasing Nana and Drew around in the evening. He's getting so fast, and is starting to be so interested in whatever Drew is doing. So very much in love with his big brother!
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