Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Canada Day!

Yesterday, we celebrated Canada's birthday.  Canada day is always a "wierd" holiday because it falls on the actual day, not the friday or monday before or after.  Some companies give the actual day off, and some give the  friday or monday before or after.  James just happened to have the day off, my dad had to work and gets today (friday) off.

We spent the day in Glen Williams.  My mom, brother and his friend were around and joined us for the festivities.  We walked down to main street and enjoyed the annual parade (James bought us a few treats from the Glen Oven bakery...yum!), then headed to the park to see what was going on there.  The park was jammed and I could see steam coming out of my husband's ears.  We let Drew play there for a little bit and then headed back up to my parents place.

Drew spent the afternoon/evening riding on his ride-on toys, and playing with everything at nanas.  Hunter enjoyed playing with some smoothed rocks in his water-table (without the was pretty cold yesterday!).  James helped my dad grease the baler once dad got home from work.  Mom, Drew and I took a short break from the fun and drove to Tim Horten's to pick up some timbits and some coffees for my parents.  We had swiss chalet for dinner and then took the very tired boys home.  They both fell asleep on the drive home.  A successful day!

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