Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 24, 2010

Once again, it's been a while.  Here's an update....
We met with a pediatrician in Toronto regarding Hunter's breathing issues.  At this appointment, we checked his weight and he had gained significantly since the "red-flag" appointment...good news!  The doctor listened to him breathing, and checked him all over.  He told us that sometimes babies are just "happy wheezers" and grow out of the congestion.  Good news, I guess?
Drew has played a season of blastball.  He has his final tournement on saturday.  It's been adorable.  It's a pre-cursor to t-ball, with a "t" and only one base.  The kids take turns hitting and fielding.  Mostly though, they just play in the grass and pay attention to other things.  I'm glad we put Drew into it though.  He's enjoying being on a "team" and it has forced us to be outside on a tuesday night.......also, it's been a good excuse to get ice cream on tuesday nights!
Hunter can now walk while holding onto someones hand.  He's nothing like Drew though.  Drew didn't like crawling much, and went straight to walking.  Hunter seems to love crawling, and is sooo fast at it.  He's much slower at "walking" and I think that's why he'd rather crawl.  He has also gotten his first two teeth..finally!  I think he's getting some more too, seems to be pretty uncomfortable. 
Sleep is still lacking at our house.  Hunter won't sleep more than 2-3 hours at a time.  I'm still nursing him at night, which is encouraging the situation....I'm at a total loss....have no idea what to do. 
The cottage has been great.  We've gone up a lot for just 1 or 2 nights here and there.  James' schedule is fantastic for the cottage.  He works 5 days on, 4 days off.  We can go up for a couple of days and come back and still have a few days to get stuff done around here......although, it still feels like nothing is getting done here....
So far at the cottage though, we've drywalled the 3 bedrooms, but laminate into 2 of the bedrooms (the 3rd one is to come) and started extending the deck a little bit.  We still have a very long list of things we want to do though.

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