This week I have been attempting to remove the wall-paper from this bathroom. So far, the wall-paper is winning.
My mom gave us a chair that she did not want anymore. I love it, and think it fits in great in our living room!
We went to the Maple Syrup Festival at Mountsberg with the Gallo family. It was cold, damp and muddy, but the kids had a blast.
We purchased and James has almost finished installing our baseboards in the living room.
We tried out the South Street burger Co. restaurant for the first time (and Hunter took a few selfies). The burger joint was REALLY good!
I've been trying to take photos of the farm, so I don't forget.
Drew and Hunter started their 9 days in a row of swimming lessons. So far, so good. 4 more days to go.
Hunter missed a swimming lesson so he could go to Jack's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese (on Wednesday). He was so excited for the party. He had a great time.
My mom went to Drew's swimming lesson and then came to Chuck E Cheese with Drew so he didn't have to miss his swimming lesson (James' schedule makes it tough to fit everything in! We're so very thankful for my parents).
James and Hunter got a lot of work done at the house (ahem...if a nerf gun war is considered work....ha ha). In all seriousness, James has got a ton of stuff done!
James has started building the kitchen cabinets!!!!!

Drew came home from school on Friday telling us/asking us about "Chucky" and "Bloody Mary". A child in his class was telling him and his friends all about them, he even looked them up on the internet so he could show Drew and his friend pictures. When Drew was telling us about them after school, he was bedtime it was not a laughing matter. My poor boy was beside himself. "I just can't get the image out of my head, mommy". We are talking convulsions, tears, almost throwing up. It was awful. Hunter went right to sleep, thankfully. After a while of sitting in his room with him, we got up and he went to the bathroom for a drink, almost puked and then James and I both took him to our room and cuddled with him in our bed while he cried himself to sleep. It was heart-breaking. This morning, I "made" nightmare spray. We sprayed it all over the boys' room and it seemed to help a bit. We still had to call daddy at work and speak to him through tears, but at least he went to sleep in his own bed tonight (only after asking me to spray the nightmare spray just one more time). Here's hoping he sleeps through the night!

Today, the boys played store for the first time in a very long time. They have been really into lego, and that's pretty much all they've played with....not sure why they decided to break the routine today, but it was super cute. I'm sure it's because I was thinking of selling the cash register!
On Monday, I'm taking Drew to a dermatologist to see if we can find some relief for his skin. His eczema has been really bad this year. Perhaps because of the extreme cold this year, or stress about moving? Not sure, hopefully the doctor can help us!